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Sports Ethics Final

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Berkeley College
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Running Head: SPORTS ETHICS 1
Sports Ethics
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1.Did the commissioner act ethically in addressing the concern? By what theories?
The commissioner acted ethically in how he addressed the issue. This was in accordance
with the decision made by Brown V. Board of Education that brought to an end any form of legal
segregation in all public schools and the economic boost for wage-earners of color. In sport, the
enhanced commercialization of collegiate and professional competition contributed to decreasing
discriminatory practices. Sports leaders realized that disallowing African-Americans from
participating in athletics was not financially optimal. The commissioner was justified in his
condemning of the remarks by Mr. Ricky Metal which were racially insensitive to the people of
color and particularly African-Americans because today there is a better understanding of racial
discrimination and racial segregation by use of the lens of care ethics and virtue. Today sports
enjoy the benefit of a racially diverse population, giving all people equal chances to excel in the
sport of their choice.
2.What impact would the league’s decision have on bridging the perceived racial divide?
What further ethical leadership can/should the league provide on this issue?
The league’s decision to hand Mr. Metal a lifetime ban and disassociate him from the
league’s activities is the league management’s way of showing all people, particularly the sport
supporters, that there is no room for racial segregation and discrimination in sports. The decision
discourages anyone who intends to discriminate against another racially and gives hope to the
people of color of a racial justice system in sports. It also sends a strong message to the sportsmen
and women of color that they are equal in the game, bringing unity amongst the players. With such
strict repercussions, the racial divide will reduce one day at a time. The league can further lay
down more foundations on ways of handling the same issues in the future.

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Running Head: SPORTS ETHICS 1 Sports Ethics Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation ETHICS IN SPORTS 2 1.Did the commissioner act ethically in addressing the concern? By what theories? The commissioner acted ethically in how he addressed the issue. This was in accordance with the decision made by Brown V. Board of Education that brought to an end any form of legal segregation in all public schools and the economic boost for wage-earners of color. In sport, the enhanced commercialization of collegiate and professional competition contributed to decreasing discriminatory practices. Sports leaders realized that disallowing African-Americans from participating in athletics was not financially optimal. The commissioner was justified in his condemning of the remarks by Mr. Ricky Metal which were racially insensitive to the people of color and particularly African-Americans because today there is a better understanding of racial discrimination and racial segregation by use of the lens of care ethics and virtue. Today sports enjoy the benefit of a racially diverse population, giving all people equal chances to excel in the sport of their choice. 2.What impact would the league’s decision have on bridging the perceived racial divide? What further ethical leadership can/should the league provide on this issue? The league’s decision to hand Mr. Metal a lifetime ban and disassociate him from the league’s activities is the league management’s way of showing all people, part ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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