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Ineffective Teamwork. Final

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Bow Valley College
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Ineffective Teamwork in Care Green and Solutions
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Ineffective Teamwork in Care Green and Solutions
One of the most advanced and widely sought-after tools by human resource personnel
and company managers is effective teamwork. In the modern world, individuals are more
focused on their personal achievements and occupational growth to the extent that they sideline
teamwork considerably. Noticeably, the significance of teamwork in a work environment seems
to be ignored by managers who reward the best-performing employees without considering the
background. As every employee tries to prove themselves, they tend to keep information to
themselves and solve their own problems. This is where ineffective teamwork stems. The
problem goes even deeper than that. Ineffective teamwork has led to reduced self-confidence
among individual team members, undermined the planning ability of companies, and led to an
unhealthy work environment.
Figure 1Care Green Logo
Care Green is a skin-care product company that delivers natural toxin-free products for
clients of all ages. It also doubles in solving nourishing issues. The company prides itself in
producing safe products that meet international standards. The workflow and turnover periods
have been great in the company as the employees work together towards achieving the
company's goals. However, the onset of the pandemic and the work from home policies took a
toll on the company’s teamwork efforts. Since each employee was required to remain in their

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1 Ineffective Teamwork in Care Green and Solutions Student’s Name University Course Professor Date 2 Ineffective Teamwork in Care Green and Solutions One of the most advanced and widely sought-after tools by human resource personnel and company managers is effective teamwork. In the modern world, individuals are more focused on their personal achievements and occupational growth to the extent that they sideline teamwork considerably. Noticeably, the significance of teamwork in a work environment seems to be ignored by managers who reward the best-performing employees without considering the background. As every employee tries to prove themselves, they tend to keep information to themselves and solve their own problems. This is where ineffective teamwork stems. The problem goes even deeper than that. Ineffective teamwork has led to reduced self-confidence among individual team members, undermined the planning ability of companies, and led to an unhealthy work environment. Figure 1Care Green Logo Care Green is a skin-care product company that delivers natural toxin-free products for clients of all ages. It also doubles in solving nourishing issues. The company prides itself in producing safe products that meet international standards. The workflow and turnover periods have been great in the company as the employees work together towards achieving the company's goals. However, the onset of the pandemic and the work from home policies took a toll on the company’s teamwo ...
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