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Threat And Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Thira Calculation

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Excelsior College
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MCJ630 M4D2 THIRA Worksheets

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MCJ630 M4D2 THIRA Worksheets
Type: Natural
Title: Hurricane
Cyber incident
Context Description
A hurricane with a wind of 185
miles per hour will hit Elbow-
Cay on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.
It will start with minimal activity
but intensify after one hour.
Specifically, it will start with a
speed of 5mph to the northeast.
This is a category 5 intensity
hurricane. It will be
accompanied by a 15-foot storm
surge. In light of this, the low-
lying streets will become
waterways. Over 10,000 traffic
signals will be destroyed as a
result of this. More damages are
also likely to happen. The
coastal communities will be
most affected. A strong storm
A cyberattack will happen to a
company that provides software
solutions to financial institutions.
This attack will happen early next
week. Ransomware has been
released, which seems to be
targeting financial institutions.
Following the attack, the financial
institutions will not be able to
provide their services efficiently
(Perols & Murthy, 2021). A lot of
their customer’s data will be lost.
In light of this, many people are set
to lose their money. Ransomware
makes the software and the entire
software malfunction. This gives
the cyberattackers an opportunity
to carry out their intended crimes.

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1 MCJ630 M4D2 THIRA Worksheets Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 MCJ630 M4D2 THIRA Worksheets THREAT/HAZARD Context Description Type: Natural Human-Caused Title: Hurricane Cyber incident A hurricane with a wind of 185 A cyberattack will happen to a miles per hour will hit Elbow- company that provides software Cay on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. solutions to financial institutions. It will start with minimal activity This attack will happen early next but intensify after one hour. week. Ransomware has been Specifically, it will start with a released, which seems to be speed of 5mph to the northeast. targeting financial institutions. This is a category 5 intensity Following the attack, the financial hurricane. It will be institutions will not be able to accompanied by a 15-foot storm provide their services efficiently surge. In light of this, the low- (Perols & Murthy, 2021). A lot of lying streets will become their customer’s data will be lost. waterways. Over 10,000 traffic In light of this, many people are set signals will be destroyed as a to lose their money. Ransomware result of this. More damages are makes the software and the entire also likely to happen. The software malfunction. This gives coastal communities will be the cyberattackers an opportunity most affected. A strong storm to carry out their intended crimes. 3 will develop in the Atlantic They steal money and information. Ocean. Its damage will be felt across the ...
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