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Running Head: COMPARE AND CONTRAST Analyzing Alexie and Heims & Minter Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 COMPARE AND CONTRAST 2 Alexie and Heiss & Minter I have chosen stories about Native American experience by Alexie and also one about the Original Australian experience by Heiss and Minter. Both authors present short stories that bring out culture of the indigenous people. The two authors; Alexie, Heiss and Minter present a population that value contemporary native life. The Native American population by Alexie values the Laguna Pueblo life. It strives to maintain the traditional Pueblo practices and resists any external influence. The Native Americans had to endure living under the US Federal government. Similarly, the Aboriginal people were also marginalized in their own country by the European colonizers. The two populations also had different experiences. The Native American is influenced by Christianity which is not the case for the Original Australian. Alexie uses a myth of 500 years meaning that the suffering which the people were undergoing was to continue for long. Heiss and minter also introduce the idea of “Fourth world” to refer to poor, marginal and sta ...
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