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Gay And Lesbian Adoption

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Running head: GAY AND LESBIAN ADOPTION Gay and Lesbian Adoption Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: 1 GAY AND LESBIAN ADOPTION 2 Abstract Gay marriage or same-sex marriage and adoption are still complicated and minority-level processes even in today's society. In the United States, some states recognize gay marriages and adoption while others do not. Europe is more progressive than the United States when it comes to same-sex marriage and adoption. There are still challenges that lesbian and gay married couples face regarding social acceptance and stigma, adoption procedures, and bias, and welfare of their children, especially in school. Same-sex couples are more likely to want to adopt children compared to heterosexual couples (Patterson, 2009). Finally, while laws may legalize gay marriage and adoption, society is still lagging in accepting. The studies and research in the paper propose that there should be more research on policies and laws, social inclusion and reasonable treatment for same-sex couples and adoptive children. Keywords: gay, same-sex, adoption, stigma, society, Europe, United States, laws, policies, social workers, adoption and fostering agencies, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender). Introduction Diversity can be defined generally as a societal embrace of various sexual orientations, cultures, ethnicities, values, and religions. Gay people have been facing and still faces discrimination and inequalities mainly because of their sexual or ...
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