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Theoretical Perspectives

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Health & Medical
The University of Alabama
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Sw501 Theoretical Perspectives
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SW501 Theoretical Perspectives
Anita's son, Anthony, a thirteen-year-old boy, becomes rebellious to his mother's rules,
and his grades in school are deteriorating. His teachers have complained that he has become
disrespectful to them lately, and he often misses classes. As a result, his mother has decided to
sick help at an outpatient mental hospital. This paper analyzes how the stressors have impacted
Anthony's growth and development and identify the support that will positively affect his current
development stage.
Stressful factors are inevitable in our lives. Growth and stressful factors are unavoidable.
Piaget's cognitive development theory says a child acquires a defiant behavior through the
negative attitudes it learns (Rogers, 2016). The behavior mirrors the negative reinforcement used
by the parents and those in power. Anthony had grown up seeing his father physically abuse his
mother. This father has also been a substance user. After his parents’ divorce, their father makes
empty promises to his children. Neither does he come to see them or provide any support to
them. Anthony misses his father’s presence and love which affects his development. Her
mother's busy schedule may not give her enough time to be with the children, and therefore she
might not offer enough support. In this theory, the environment of the child also affects his or her
behavior (Rogers, 2016). Anthony has grown up seeing his father as substance user. The father
being a role model makes the child think that drug abuse is a common and unharmful thing. Even
in the current area they are living in, drug abuse is a common thing. It is also likely that Anthony
has started abusing drugs. The purpose of Anthony's involvement in defiance and act against the
parent's and teachers' rules is to get what he wants (Rogers, 2016). Anthony wants attention and
reaction from the teachers.

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Running head: SW501 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Sw501 Theoretical Perspectives Name Institution Affiliation 1 SW501 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES 2 SW501 Theoretical Perspectives Anita's son, Anthony, a thirteen-year-old boy, becomes rebellious to his mother's rules, and his grades in school are deteriorating. His teachers have complained that he has become disrespectful to them lately, and he often misses classes. As a result, his mother has decided to sick help at an outpatient mental hospital. This paper analyzes how the stressors have impacted Anthony's growth and development and identify the support that will positively affect his current development stage. Stressful factors are inevitable in our lives. Growth and stressful factors are unavoidable. Piaget's cognitive development theory says a child acquires a defiant behavior through the negative attitudes it learns (Rogers, 2016). The behavior mirrors the negative reinforcement used by the parents and those in power. Anthony had grown up seeing his father physically abuse his mother. This father has also been a substance user. After his parents’ divorce, their father makes empty promises to his children. Neither does he come ...
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