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Mental disorder

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Early Teenage Mental Intervention 1
Early Diagnostic of Mental Health in Adolescence
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Early Teenage Mental Intervention 2
Mental disorder refers to the trends or perceptual distortions, sensations, or behavior that
cause discomfort or interfere with a person's daily functioning. Based on the studies reviewed by
WHO on teenage mental disorders, approximately one out of each three to five young people
meets the lifetime requirements for a DSM mental disorder. However, only a tiny percentage of
these youngsters are in such severe worsening symptoms that they require intervention.
According to Mumtahanah's report, Emotional dysregulation affects thirty-six per cent of ten-
year-old and forty-six per cent of fifteen-year-olds (Mumtahanah & Wahyunengsih., 2022).
Consequently, depression is estimated to occur in eleven per cent of adolescents aged ten and
twenty-eight per cent of those aged eleven, resulting in a severe challenge. These challenges root
in their living circumstances, stigma, marginalization, rejection, or a lack of access to proper
programs and assistance. Moreover, adolescents residing in humanistic and vulnerable settings
suffer from serious diseases, autism spectrum disorder and cognitive impairment. This paper will
concentrate on adolescent mental health disorders by analyzing the group's epidemiological data,
providing an overview of the literature, early interventional strategies on adolescence, and their

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Early Teenage Mental Intervention 3
Early Diagnostic of Mental Health in Adolescence
The World Health Organization defines a mental disorder as "trends or perceptual
distortions, sensations, or behavior that cause discomfort or interfere with a person's daily
functioning." Adolescent mental health disorders are a massive issue but are also reasonably
common and treatable. According to the WHO 2022 survey on adolescent and young adult
mental wellbeing, seven out of ten young teens face a myriad of subjects that lead to mental
illness. These factors include severe disease, autism spectrum disorder, and cognitive
impairment. Other psychological problems include pregnant teenagers and adolescent mothers.
Although mental disorders should indeed be operated by occupational therapists or
adequately trained healthcare professionals, caregivers and the administration can help by
mitigating the adverse effects of psychiatric medications. The administration can also provide
efficient diagnostic products for routine screening. In this manner, society can provide basic
information regarding prevalent adolescent psychiatric disorders focusing on personal
repercussions and practices. This paper will concentrate on adolescent mental health disorders by
analyzing the group's epidemiological data, providing an overview of the literature, early
interventional strategies on adolescence, and their consequences.
Population of Interest
Psychosocial and sentiment disorders are the two most common cerebral illnesses in
adolescents. Adolescence often plays the most major period for constructing social and mental
personalities necessary for mental health. Such mental wellbeing habits include; establishing
coping, problem-solving, intra - personal and emotional management skills, and effectively
managing emotions (Hanah & Wahyunengsih, 2022). Several factors can have an impact on

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Early Teenage Mental Intervention 1 Early Diagnostic of Mental Health in Adolescence Students Name Institution Affiliation Course Name Date Early Teenage Mental Intervention 2 Abstract Mental disorder refers to the trends or perceptual distortions, sensations, or behavior that cause discomfort or interfere with a person's daily functioning. Based on the studies reviewed by WHO on teenage mental disorders, approximately one out of each three to five young people meets the lifetime requirements for a DSM mental disorder. However, only a tiny percentage of these youngsters are in such severe worsening symptoms that they require intervention. According to Mumtahanah's report, Emotional dysregulation affects thirty-six per cent of tenyear-old and forty-six per cent of fifteen-year-olds (Mumtahanah & Wahyunengsih., 2022). Consequently, depression is estimated to occur in eleven per cent of adolescents aged ten and twenty-eight per cent of those aged eleven, resulting in a severe challenge. These challenges root in their living circumstances, stigma, marginalization, rejection, or a lack of access to proper programs and assistance. Moreover, adolescents residing in humanistic and vulnerable settings suffer from serious diseases, autism spectrum disorder and cognitive impairment. This paper will concentrate on adolescent mental health disorders by analyzing the group's epidemiological data, providing an overview of the literature, early interventional strategies on adolescence, a ...
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