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Civil Liberties And Civil Rights

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Political Science
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Running Head: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Student’s name: Course name: Instructor’s name: Date of Submission: 1 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 2 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Civil liberties and civil rights are common terms used in law and present in the U.S constitution. Protection of civil rights and civil liberties is the most significant political value in the U.S. They both appear in the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. This paper discusses the two concepts of civil rights and civil liberties. Further, presents a discussion on the terms articulation in the U.S constitution, and the possibility of violations of both concepts to occur at the same time. Discussion on the Concepts, Differences and Similarities Civil liberties are also referred to as personal freedoms. These are personal guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot remove or deny through law or judicial process without the required due process. Civil liberties are contained in the bill of rights and the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments of the constitution or interpreted by lawmakers or courts. The thirteenth amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary offering of services. The fourteenth amendment prevents implementation of any laws that will interfere with the privileges of citizens or deny any individual any life liberty without following the due process or denying a person equal protection provided under the law. The ...
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