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Iraqi Military Expertise Support Of Isis And The Post

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Running head: INVASION OF IRAQ 1 Iraqi Military Expertise Support of ISIS and the Post-Invasion of Iraq Name Institution Instructor Date INVASION OF IRAQ 2 Iraqi Military Expertise Support of ISIS and the Post-Invasion of Iraq Reason for Iraqi Military Expertise Support of ISIS In June 2014 the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) took control of Mosul in 2014 with an estimated 1500 fighters and governed an estimated 1.5 million establishing a caliphate (Al-Salhy and Arango, 2014). The Iraqi government to liberate Mosul and completely wipe the militant from within its border began in earnest in October of 2017. The Liberation or the military campaign that was done to drive ISIS from Mosul started in the last quarter of 2017 (Lafta et al. 2018). The Iraqi forces entered Mosul at the beginning of November that same year after a bitter war and declared it liberated. There was a second part of the campaign that attacked from West Mosul; however, the progress was slow in the old city, and the forces received wide-scale damage from artillery, and it was not until June of 2017 that was the fighting concluded (Lafta et al. 2018). The difficulty that the forces faced in various parts can be attributed to an equally well prepared and capable opposing force of ISIS with members who were not only volunteers but also conscripts who were previously a part of the Iraqi Military (Williams, 2018). In an area that has many challenges especially during the war, it was not surprising for ...
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