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Counterfactual Simulation Of World War I

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COUNTERFACTUAL SIMULATION OF WORLD WAR I Student Name IRLS603 Professor Name School Name, Date 1 Introduction The First World War (WW1) marked a global war that started in Europe on 28th July 1914 and ended on 11th November 1918. It involved several nations in Europe and also included Russia, Middle East nations and surrounding nations. The war put opposition “Central powers” against “Allies.” Central powers include countries such as Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, and Turkey while allies were France, Britain, Russia, Japan, the Soviet Union, China, and Italy. The war came to an end upon the defeat of central powers. This war was characterized by massacre, bloodshed and mass destruction of property.1World War 1 marked the fall of four mighty empires that is Russia, Germany, Turkey, and Austria-Hungary. Additionally, it destabilized Europe that formed the basis of World War II. There, is, however, the need to develop a counterfactual simulation of the conflict, focusing on the key factors that would have produced a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Counterfactual Simulation Ultimatums One best way in which the conflict would be solved peacefully was in regards to the ultimatum offered by Austria-Hungary to Serbia. Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Austria-Hungary issued several ultimatums to Serbia which it needed to satisfy or else be engaged at war. It is through the failure of Serbia to satisfy all the ...
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