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Surname 1 Student name Institution Date Surname 2 Chapter 4, page 91. At the village, we were greeted by the usual throng of barefoot children rushing the car, though once Nila emerged from the backseat the children grew quiet and pulled back, perhaps out of fear that she may chide them. But Nila displayed great patience and kindness. She knelt down and smiled, spoke to each of them, shook their hands, stroked their grubby cheeks, tousled their unwashed hair. To my embarrassment, people were gathering for a view of her. There was Baitullah, a childhood friend of mine, looking on from the edge of a roof, squatting with his brothers like a line of crows, all of them chewing naswar tobacco. And there was his father, Mullah Shekib himself, and three white-bearded men sitting in the shade of a wall, listlessly fingering their prayer beads, their ageless eyes fixed on Nila and her bare arms with a look of displeasure. Response This is a very important part of the story told by Nabi, Abdullah, and Pari's uncle. Nila wants to visit her and visits Shadbagh. This visit is very important to the storyline because we get to know more few things about Nila. First, they have a certain connection with Abdullah. Nabi had also started developing feelings for Nila. When you combine this with Nila's need to visit the town, it is clear that she was hurting, lonely, and searching for a company at least. She alights from the car and forces affection, surprisingly because Nabi did not expect thi ...
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