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How The New Woman Challenged Old Ways Of Viewing Women

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Running head: HOW THE NEW WOMAN CHALLENGED OLD WAYS OF VIEWING WOMEN How the New Woman Challenged Old Ways of Viewing Women Student's Name Institutional Affiliation 1 HOW THE NEW WOMAN CHALLENGED OLD WAYS OF VIEWING WOMEN 2 How the New Woman Challenged Old Ways of Viewing Women Back in the 19th century, women were viewed to be lesser than men. During the past years, men dominated women in various cultures. While there were no rules or religious beliefs, most cultures had a lineage where men were regarded as superior to women. In this case, women's were seen as domestic keepers and were not allowed to engage in any major decisions in the family. Further, women were not allowed to go to school as their role was limited to giving birth and taking care of them. During that time, women could not take part in any public roles and could not make life decisions on their own as they were seen as the weaker sex. Things, however, took a complete turn towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (Chapter 12). In the modern period, a transformed perception of womanhood emerged, which brought massive changes that influenced public views and understandings of the ...
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