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Motivating Employees

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Surname: 1 Name: Institution: Course: Professor: Date: MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES To start with, a manager is that person who is responsible for controlling the staffs of a particular company. To become a good manager, you should ensure that you create a good relationship with your juniors. For the employees to become motivated, they don’t need just their salaries to be increased, but they need appreciation (Diefendorff et al., pp 400 – 728). A manager should ensure that he thanks his employees for doing a good job. He should do this by approaching one on one, writing a letter to them or by sending those emails. This appreciation should be done often and sincerely. A manager should also give a chance to his employees to express themselves. He should be willing to take his time and listen to his employees. A manager should give his employees as much time as they want. Secondly, managers should also apply theories of motivation. For example, they may use Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory. It is the best theory of inspiration, which is always based on the needs of a human being. This theory has classified all human needs according to their seniority from lower to the higher order (, Jame ...
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