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ALHS 1090 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences Study Notes

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Midterm Worksheet ALHS 1090 Please use the following study guide to prepare for your midterm exam for Medical Terminology (Lessons 1-4). All words, prefixes, word roots, combining forms and suffixes will come from this guide. Introduction (Chapter 1) Medical Word Elements – Be able to describe the four word elements. Word Root - is the foundation of the word and it contains the primary meaning. Combining Form- is when the word root is combined with a vowel. Suffixes- a word element at the end of the word that changes the meaning of the world. Prefixes- a word element at the start of the word or word root. Defining medical words – List the three steps in defining medical words. 1. define the suffix 2. define the first part of the word 3. define the middle parts of the word. Building medical words - List the three rules in building medical words. 1. A word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel 2. A combining form (root+o) links a suffix that begins with a consonant. 3. A combining form links one root to another root to form a compound word. Suffixes (Chapter 2) Term Meaning Term Meaning -centesis surgical puncture -pexy fixation( of an organ) -clasis to break; surgical fracture –plasty surgical repair -desis binding; fixation(of a bone or joint) –rrhaphy suture –ectomy excision; removal –stomy forming an opening(mouth) 1 -lysis separation;destructi -tomy on;loosening incision -tome instrument to cut –itis inflammation –trips ...
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