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University of Nairobi
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Kabeni 1
Lucy Njeri Kabeni
Tasha Haas
Composition 1(2020fa)
December 10, 2020
To Refute
Reviewer A claims that 'circles of lies' is an overrated movie. But I agree with Reviewer B, who
argues that the film's director ought to have made the plot more interesting.
Some people claim that Denise is not a good character because she fails to control emotion, she
looks too young for some of her best roles, and she is not creative.
In contrast to popular opinion, a recent study of the importance of chocolate showed that it is
helpful to people struggling with sleeping difficulties.
To Concede
Indeed, the more hard-core enthusiasts, like A, B, and C, may note that the movie is not
sufficiently directed since it is difficult for a person to understand the themes by watching once.
The one justifiable claim that could be made against James is that he is relatively slow when it
comes to making decisions.
As some critics have pointed out, Jane follows the tried-and-true formula of winning James to be
her fiancé in the movie.
To Concede and Refute
As some critics have pointed out, Steve follows the tried-and-true formula of crafting an
entertaining and exciting movie. Still, the director is using the formula effectively to distribute
the movie in various major cities in the United States.

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Kabeni 1 Lucy Njeri Kabeni Tasha Haas Composition 1(2020fa) December 10, 2020 To Refute Reviewer A claims that 'circles of lies' is an overrated movie. But I agree with Reviewer B, who argues that the film's director ought to have made the plot more interesting. Some people claim that Denise is not ...
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