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Running head: THEORY CASE STUDY Theory Case Study Student’s Name Institution Affiliation THEORY CASE STUDY 2 Immanuel Kant (Deontological): South Africa Reconsiders Walmart's Bid for Retailer #1 Outline: The government of South African approved for Walmart's acquisition on the local major retail chain in Africa. A concern was raised by many parties about Walmart's potential of harming local producers by bringing in outside traders. The government got concerned that the takeover would lead to an increase in the unemployment rate and would begin employment issues, especially as Walmart would not agree for worker committee. Walmart's progress in Africa will depend on the lessons it has learned in other countries. Massmart's strategy is low price, and efficient operations are uniform with Walmart's policy which is significant acquisition. a. Circumstances and facts analysis With the perspective of universal rights, Walmart should deal with the issue with rational thinking and respect the local people, not only aiming for greedy business growth. However, Walmart will have a point of supporting the local people rights by increasing new stores and create new jobs. Walmart wants to expand the African retail chain and develop the country not just maximize the profit. Besides that Walmart should have an awareness of the African laws and respect it. Walmart should not show an image of the selfish new entry to the local market. Walmart should have the potential to grow their busin ...
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