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Plan For A New Government 1

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Running head: PLAN FOR A NEW GOVERNMENT Plan for a New Government Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 A PLAN FOR A NEW GOVERNMENT 2 Plan for a New Government Introduction Nigeria is the hypothetical country that I choose for this task. Nigeria is an African country located in the western region of Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. The country has an area coverage of 356,669 square miles with a population of over 180 million. There are over 250 ethnic groups in the country with over 500 languages but English is a major language used by people in everyday official communications although there are major languages widely spoken including Ebo, Ibibio, Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa. The country has a good economy with a nominal GDP being around USD268.7 billion. Therefore, based on the instructions of this task, I assume that the country has for many years been under a dictator. Following his removal from power and elected the new president, there are several things that need to be done to bring the country on track. Therefore, the paper will first be explaining the domestic strategies to help rebuild the country and secondly explain the plans to incorporate the international community in the nation-building as in the below. Domestic Concerns The governing style that I will be implementing for the purpose of nation-building is democratic governance. Democratic governance is a system of governance where the people remain with the power and exercise their powers either directly or ind ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
