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Hypertension Management

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Running head: HYPERTENSION MANAGEMENT Management of Hypertension in African Americans Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 HYPERTENSION MANAGEMENT 2 Management of Hypertension in African Americans Hypertension is a chronic health condition characterized by excessive force against the blood vessels’ walls. Hypertension is prevalent in the United States where it affects about 85 million people (MacGill, 2018). However, compared to other ethnic groups in the U.S., it is among the African Americans where hypertension is most common and destructive (Beckerman, 2017). Given that the rates of awareness and treatment African-Americans and non-Hispanic whites, there is need to explore other nonpharmacological methods of hypertension management among African patients (Miller, 2017). This paper will explore lifestyle modification and education as a hypertension management options within primary care settings that could enhance control of hypertension to prevent end-organ damage among in African Americans. Introduction Hypertension is a major health problem among African Americans and a contribute to existing health disparity (Muntner et al., 2017). Lifestyle changes such as weight management, increased physical activity, and diet adjustments can be of significant help in the management of hypertension. Within healthcare settings, there is need to include lifestyle change interventions that are centered on the family and community so that patient exercise self-management. ...
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