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Human Organ Trading

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Grand Canyon University
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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date Human Organ Trading Human organs could be considered one of the most valued things globally. They are important for everybody and how they are functioning can be the difference between life and death. We only have one of most of our organs and when it stops operating, it will be the end of our life unless a new organ is received by someone who donated it. The demand for these organs continues to increase but the big question is whether the selling of human organs becomes legal? This is can be anardently debated issue with rational reasons and arguments being made on both sides of the fence of this issue. It is not something that can be answered with just a simple yes or no. Both decisions would have further consequences because of this action. When an argument or decision includes matters of life and death then all sides and issues need to be carefully considered and evaluated. It seems to be a simple solution to legalize the sale of human organs. There is a great need for them and by making it legal to sell them then it would provide more organs to those in need(Tilney 20). The organ that emphasized in the paper is the kidney and the extent to which humans can go in ensuring that the kidney trade runs in a fair manner. It outlines how the countries of the world have minimal legislation that governs the trade of the most important body organs that are Surname 2 essential for the continuity of life. A debate is also looming am ...
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