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Wembley high school
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Inner conflict Kamikaze Remains War photographer Poppies Point Quote analysis Quote analysis Quote analysis In this poem, the pilot is torn between his duty and the will to live, the inner conflict is portrayed through the imagery of nature and the ocean, as he is caught in a repetitive loop of doom when trying to figure out his emotions, and when this decision is made, he still wonders what was the best way out ‘Huge flag waved first one way then the other in a figure of eight’ - symbolic figure of infinity, stuck in a repetitive cycle of doom, as can’t escape his true destiny, thoughts are in a bundle, conflicting between his duty and his heart, the signal soldiers make when surrendering, so he is surrendering his obligation to commit suicide, a mental surrender ‘To see whose withstood longest the turbulent inrush of breakers’ - represents inner turmoil and conflict, describing his inner feelings and longings, questioning strength to defy fate and pressure to complete this duty, represents the call of the war, as well as the call of the sea ‘He must have wondered which had been the better way to die’ - inner conflict about decision, would it have been better to die with honour, then dying in a state of mental conflict and uneasy relationships, so either way he would have been dead, physically dead or mentally dead from the abandonment he receives This poem describes the soldier’s experience of killing a man, and all the emotions and problems tha ...
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