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Unit Viii Case Study Bos 4025

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Columbia Southern University
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Running head: UNIT VIII CASE STUDY 1 Unit VIII Case Study Name Institution UNIT VIII CASE STUDY 2 Unit VIII Case Study The General Duty Clause The General Duty Clause violation requirements indicated in Chapter four of the Field Operations Manual is divided into four sections. The first section involves the inability of the employer to make the working environment hazard free, the second involves a recognizable risk, the hazards caused or would cause severe harm or death to the employees, and lastly, a potential method of correcting the hazard was available (OSHA, 2015) The incident and the people involved should be present. In this case, the danger involved was a space issue regarding Engine 102. The apparatus that was available for the instance was newly purchased for the organizational department responsible for running out the fire station that was considered to be the second busiest among all. For more elaborations, the rear portion of the apparatus had two cabinets that were facing backward, which were placed in front of the two riders. The distance between the knees of the riders and the cabinets was about six to eight inches. This distance posed an adverse risk to the ...
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