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Supervisors a perception that black students and post

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Calicut University
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Underrepresented Minorities in Science: A Black Scientist
Shares His Keys to Success, by Roland Owens, 2 March 2001.
Social barriers can give supervisors a perception that black
students and postdocs lack independence, but initiatives exist
to help level the playing field.
Enhancing the U.S. Postdoctoral Experience, by Maxine F.
Singer, 22 September 2000.
Some postdocs have complained about receiving little guidance
from their mentors and too few opportunities to grow toward
Scientific Community: Soft Money's Hard Realities, by Marcia
Barinaga, 22 September 2000.
Soft-money positions such as adjunct associate professor and
research associate often offer little independence or status.
The Art of Laboratory Feng Shui: Your Scientific Castle, by Vid
Mohan-Ram, 14 April 2000.
The day you start making plans to set up your laboratory marks
a significant milestone on th

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Underrepresented Minorities in Science: A Black Scientist Shares His Keys to Success, by Roland Owens, 2 March 2001. Social barriers can give supervisors a perception that black students and postdocs lack independence, but initiatives exist to help level the playing field. Enhancing the U.S. Postdo ...
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