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Universities they asked them among other questions how attractive

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Calicut University
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But the study's most notable result isn't how career
preferences change over time; it’s how wide those preferences
are. The study shows that when it comes to career choices,
science graduate students are very open-minded. That's good
In the PLoS ONE study, Henry Sauermann, a behavioral
economist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta,
and Michael Roach, a decision scientist at the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, surveyed 4109 Ph.D. students at 39
tier-one U.S. research universities. They asked them, among
other questions, how attractive they found the prospect of
working in academia (in both teaching and research careers),
government, and at established and startup companies. The
graduate students they surveyed were enrolled in programs in
"bio/life" (59% of those surveyed), physics (23%), or chemistry
(18%). The researchers divided respondents into early-stage
and late-stage cohorts depending on how far along they were
in graduate school.

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SIGN UP FOR OUR CAREERS NEWSLETTER Get great career content biweekly! But the study's most notable result isn't how career preferences change over time; it’s how wide those preferences are. The study shows that when it comes to career choices, science graduate students are very open-minded. That's good news. In the PLoS ONE study, Henry Sauermann, a behavioral economist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, and Michael Roach, a decision scientist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, surveyed 4109 Ph.D. students at 39 tier-one U.S. research universities. They asked t ...
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