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358 determiners articles quantifiers advanced level test quiz online exercise with answers 2 englishtestsonline com

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Determiners, Articles, Quantifiers Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 2 This second gap fill test contains 25 multiple choice questions on the topics of determiners, articles, quantifiers of English grammar. Both English learners and ESL teachers can use this online exercise as a revision to check the knowledge of English determiners, articles, quantifiers. 1. 5. 5. Under torture a person will say_____ his captors want to hear. A) something B) whichever C) anything D) nothing E) each other 1. We saw _____ positive results from our investigation on aggressive human breast cancer cells. A) the number of B) quite a few C) a good deal D) lots E) many a 2. 4. 7. 4. With those scrutinising the election saying they found_____ widespread evidence of vote-rigging, there would seem to b e_____ chance of the result being reversed. 7. How does one go about making sure adults discharge responsibilities when they a re _____ unaware of what _____ can do? A) theirs / they B) themselves / they C) they / theirs D) them / he E) us / we 3. There are issues that needed______ attention before the disaster. A) a great deal of B) a great many C) several of D) many E) the number of 6. _____ of the past three recessions has been successively weaker and shorter as policy missteps have lessened. A) Every B) One C) Some D) The other E) Each 2. Astronomers suggest that there are two separate universes, one made out of matter, our own, and _____made out of antimatter. A) ...
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