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380 irrelevant sentences advanced level test quiz online exercise with answers 1 englishtestsonline com

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Irrelevant Sentences Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 1 This first irrelevant sentences test contains 25 multiple choice questions on the topic of irrelevant sentences of English language. Both English learners and ESL teachers can use this online exercise as a revision to check the knowledge of irrelevant sentences. 1. 1. (I) Though you may think the hula hoop was a fad born in the 1950s, in fact people have been doing basically the same thing with circular hoops for thousands of years. (II) The word hula hoop may be regarded as very interesting by most of the people. (III) In ancient Egypt, for example, children played with large hoops of dried grapevines which they would propel along the ground with sticks or swing around their waists. (IV) During the 14th century, a “hooping” craze swept through England, and was as popular among adults as kids. (V) The records of doctors at the time attribute numerous dislocated backs and heart attacks to “hoping”. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 2. 3. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 4. 2. (I) The legendary jazzman Charlie Parker, popularly known as “bird", was born in Kansas city, Kansas in 1920. (II) When he was 7, his family moved across the river to Kansas City, Missouri (III) Charlie, played tuba in his high school band, but his fcj mother thought it looked funny and bought him a saxophone instead. (IV) Kansas city was one of the great jazz centres of the time. (V) Because he was seif - taught on t ...
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