Keiser Career College Miami Lakes SLS Knowledge of Vision Standard Paper
ILS = Instructional Leadership Standards OLS = Operational Leadership Standards SLS = School Leadership Standards **Key: Green: Can be completed with, or without a site Yellow: Likely needs a site or more extensive online research/examples Red: Will likely be difficult without a school site 1. A - ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to facilities management 1. Using a State request for a school room utilization update, identify the requirements of your State’s Inventory of School Houses as specified in State Statutes (e.g., space requirements for ESE, vocational courses, class size reduction). 2. Using a school building’s security plan, determine compliance with State Statutes and State Board of Education rules. 1.B - ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to student services 1. Using a school guidance report, determine compliance with State Statutes. 2. Using a faculty handbook, identify the duties of school administrators governing student discipline and school safety per State Statutes (e.g., zero tolerance, discipline of exceptional students, emergency management plan, Student Code of Conduct). 3. Using a parent request to administer medication, identify the guidelines in State Statutes regulating the administration of prescribed medications to students by public school employees. 1.C - ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to student and parental rights 1. Using the student-parent handbook, determine compliance with State Statutes governing parents’ rights and responsibilities and/or students’ rights and privacy to access student educational records (e.g., deny, release, challenge content, FERPA). 2. Identify standards and procedures applicable to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and students attending public schools. 2.A - ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to federal law for education and schooling 1. Identify exceptional education entitlements, equal access for students and staff with disabilities, and related rights under federal statutes. 2.B - ILS - Knowledge of learning, accountability, and assessment standard as related to State law for education and schooling 1. Identify legal standards and procedures applicable to school accountability legislation. 2. Identify the standards and procedures applicable to the META Consent Decree. 2.C - ILS - Knowledge of learning, accountability, and assessment standard as related to measurement of effective student performance 1. Using data (e.g., national, state, district, school, classroom, individual student), analyze student achievement. 2. Determine aspects of adequate progress of the lowest 25% in reading and mathematics at the school level. 3. Using school data sets with differing accountability designations, compare and contrast multiple measures of data to analyze school needs. 4. Using school data, analyze or develop a plan to address statewide requirements for student assessment (e.g., science, reading, mathematics, writing). 5. Using school data, analyze or develop a plan to address national requirements for student assessment (e.g., NCLB science, reading, mathematics, writing). 2.D - ILS - Knowledge of learning, accountability, and assessment standard as related to assessment instruments and their applications 1. Identify the appropriate type of formal assessment Instrument (e.g., norm referenced, criterion referenced) to determine student strengths and needs. 2. Identify the appropriate informal assessment instrument (e.g., observations, checklists, inventories, interviews) to determine student strengths and needs. 2.E - ILS - Knowledge of learning, accountability, and assessment standard as related to diagnostic tools to assess, identify, and apply instructional improvement 1. Using a data set of reading test results for students in ESE or ESOL, identify diagnostic tools appropriate for assessing student learning needs. 2. Using a data set of reading test results for students in ESE or ESOL, identify appropriate instructional strategies to improve student performance in reading. 3.A - ILS - Knowledge of ILS as related to curriculum development and continuous school improvement process 1. Assess the curriculum and schoolwide professional development needs of an instructional program. For example, you may assess the effectiveness of lesson plans for an 11th grade English class. If the lesson plans are insufficient based on research on effective pedagogical practices, you may examine existing professional development plans within the school and make recommendations based on your observations of current practices in the classroom. 2. Identify appropriate objectives and strategies for developing, implementing, assessing, and revising a school improvement plan. 3. Determine an appropriate instructional improvement strategy. 4. Identify functions and implications of various curriculum designs. 5. Using grade-level data on reading, identify strategies to align curriculum, instruction, and assessment. 3.B - OLS- Knowledge of technology standard in the use of technology for teaching and learning 1. Using a technology plan, identify hardware, software, and related technologies appropriate to design and delivery of instruction. 2. Using a technology plan to integrate technology to improve student performance in a subject area, identify appropriate technology applications to address student performance needs. 3.C - OLS- Knowledge of technology standard related to school operations 1. Using a school technology plan, assess compliance with State technology goals (e.g., copyright law, External usage, digital learning environment, instructional leadership, Florida’s digital educators, access to technology, infrastructure, and support). 2. Select computer hardware and software appropriate to school operations. 3. Identify components of a technology infrastructure related to school and student safety. 4. Select Web-based communication applications. 5. Select presentation software applications. 3.D - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to recruitment, selection, induction, and retention of staff 1. Using policies for teacher recruitment, selection, induction, professional development, and retention, determine compliance with Florida Statutes and No Child Left Behind legislation. 2. Using an out-of-field teacher report, identify various methods for acquiring State Teacher Certification (e.g., highly qualified teachers, critical shortage, special needs). 3. Using a sample of an interview, identify violations of federal and State laws that protect an applicant from job discrimination (e.g., AIDS, civil rights, Americans with Disability Act). 3.E - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to performance assessment procedures 1. Using an instructional assessment instrument, determine compliance with State Statutes and State Board regulations for employee evaluation (i.e., management of students, maintenance of discipline, knowledge of subject matter, pay for performance, use of technology, and criteria for continual improvement). 2. Using an unsatisfactory performance evaluation, identify the State statutory requirements to facilitate employee growth (i.e., the performance improvement plan, notification of deficiencies, conference for the record). 3. Using an individual professional development plan, determine compliance with State Statutes governing the School Community Professional Development Act (i.e., requirement to establish and maintain an Individual Professional Development Plan for each teacher). 4.A - ILS - Knowledge of ILS as related to research-based best practices 1. Using school-based student assessment data on reading performance, identify research-based reading instruction to improve student achievement. 2. Using school-based student assessment data on reading performance, identify instructional strategies to facilitate students’ phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension throughout the content areas. 3. Using a scenario, which may include data, identify programs or initiatives that are research based to integrate reading, writing, and mathematics across all subject areas to increase student achievement. 4. Using a description of recurring problems in student performance in a content area, select strategies for engaging teachers in ongoing study of current best practices. 5. Identify scientifically based research applications to effective teaching and learning methods. 6. Identify practices in teacher planning, instructional organization, and classroom management that enhance student learning and achievement. 7. Identify instructional delivery methods that enhance student learning and achievement 4.B - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to managing personnel records 1. Using a sample of content from an employer’s personnel file, determine compliance with State Statutes governing personnel files. 2. Using public information requests, determine compliance with State Statutes governing access to personnel files and records (e.g., medical records, complaints related to investigation, payroll deduction records, Social Security numbers). 4.C - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to processes and procedures for discipline, dismissal, and nonrenewal of school employees 1. Using a recommendation to terminate an employee’s contract, identify the school site administrator’s responsibilities regarding termination as required in State Statutes (e.g., union contract, professional service contract, annual contract, continuing contract). 2. Using case studies with accompanying documentation, identify and apply the Standard of Just Cause for any adverse employment decision as required by State Statutes (e.g., dismissal, suspension, demotion, reinstatement). 4.D - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to collective bargaining agreements 1. Using a collective bargaining agreement, identify the role of the administrator in managing the contract per State Statutes (e.g., grievances, school policies, enforcement, and punitive actions related to all classifications of school personnel). 4.E - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to data analysis 1. Using school or classroom data, analyze teacher performance over time. 4.F - OLS- Knowledge of human resource development standard as related to State law for education and schooling 1. Identify standards and procedures applicable to State certification, selection, evaluation, discipline, and reappointment of school district employees. 4.G - OLS- Knowledge of ethical leadership standard as related to ethical conduct 1.UsingtheCodeofEthicsoftheEducationProfessioninyourstate, identify violations of ethical conduct as stated in State Statutes (e.g., conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude; gross insubordination; misconduct in office; neglect of obligations to students, public, school personnel). 5.A - ILS - Knowledge of ILS as related to school culture 1. Using data from a school climate survey, identify appropriate strategies for improving student learning. 2. Using data from a school climate survey, identify factors contributing to morale and performance. 5.B - OLS- Knowledge of ethical leadership standard as related to federal and State law for education and schooling 1. Identify judicially recognized rights and responsibilities guaranteed under the Constitution (e.g., First, Fourth, Fourteenth Amendments). 2. Identify the statutory powers and duties of the State Board of Education, Commissioner of Education, local school boards, superintendents, and principals. 3. Identify standards and procedures of State administrative law, public disclosure, record keeping, and child welfare. 5.C - OLS- Knowledge of decision-making strategies standard as related to federal and/or State law for education and schooling 1. Identify standards and procedures applicable to federal and/or State statutory provisions for accomplished practices, pupil progression, compulsory school attendance, sexual harassment, charter schools, alternative schools, safe schools, curricula, and facilities. 5.D - OLS- Knowledge of decision-making strategies standard as related to change 1. Apply current concepts of leadership (e.g., systems theory, change theory, situational leadership, visionary leadership, transformational leadership, learning organizations). 2. Select examples of organizational conditions or leadership actions that create positive attitudes toward change. 5.E - OLS- Knowledge of decision-making strategies standard as related to data analysis 1. Using school data, perform procedural measures for school grade calculation. 2. Using a school improvement plan, identify criteria for learning gains of varying subgroups using disaggregated data. 6.A - ILS - Knowledge of ILS as related to instructional design, teaching, and learning 1. Using taxonomy of learning, identify instructional objectives to facilitate varying levels of learning. 2. Identify age-appropriate learning strategies based on principles of human growth and development. 3. Identify practices for evaluating the appropriateness of instructional strategies. 4. Identify practices for evaluating the appropriateness of instructional materials. 6.B - SLS- Knowledge of community and stakeholder partnerships standard as related to community relations 1. Select strategies to promote community cooperation and partnerships. 6.C - SLS- Knowledge of community and stakeholder partnerships standard as related to assessment instruments and their applications 1. Interpret standardized test results (e.g., percentiles, stanines, raw scores, scale scores). 6.D - SLS- Knowledge of community and stakeholder partnerships standard as related to State law for education and schooling 1. Identify reporting procedures of the State Department of Law Enforcement’s Missing Children program. 2. Interpret school advisory committee requirements as identified in State statutes. 6.E- SLS- Knowledge of community and stakeholder partnerships standard as related to student services 1. Using case studies of students with disabilities, identify the accommodations and services required per State Statutes (e.g., diagnostic and learning resource centers, ADA facilities, interagency support services). 6.F - SLS- Knowledge of community and stakeholder partnerships standard as related to student and parental rights and responsibilities 1. Using the student-parent handbook, identify rights and responsibilities of students, parents, and guardians per State Statutes (i.e., notification, due process hearings, student academic progress, school choice preference, health examinations/immunizations, student academic improvement plan, truancy procedures, instructional materials). 6.G - SLS- Knowledge of diversity standard as related to federal and State law for education and schooling and organizational communication 1. Apply legal interpretations of the purpose and intent of federal statutes related to equal access and the prohibition of all forms of discrimination in public schools. 2. Identify effective, research-based communication strategies 6.H - SLS- Knowledge of vision standard that works to relate State standards, the needs of the students, the community, and the goals of the school 1. Identify effective strategies for communicating relevant information about State standards, student needs, community needs, and the goals of the school to appropriate stakeholders. 2. Identify effective strategies for communicating relevant information about the instructional program to the community, staff, and district personnel. 3. Identify practices and implications of effective communication and interpersonal relationships. 6.I - SLS- Knowledge of vision standard as related to data analysis 1. Using school data, develop and organize a school action plan that includes methods and approaches to communicate the need for the plan to teachers, students, and the community. 6.J - SLS- Knowledge of effective writing and data analysis for a school-based application 1. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate data for a specific target audience. 7.A - ILS - Knowledge of ILS as related to instructional program for students with special needs 1. Using student special needs characteristics in a specific classroom and walk-through observation notes, identify an appropriate instructional adaptation/modification to provide for students with special needs in that classroom. 2. Using an IEP, determine whether or not provisions made are adequate to meet student needs. 7.B - ILS - Knowledge of ILS as related to federal and State law in education and schooling 1. Identify the State requirements for students to participate in interscholastic or extracurricular student activities. 2. Identify employee and student rights and responsibilities under federal statutes. 7.C - ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to tort and contract liability in the operation of State public schools 1. Identify legal standards of negligent tort liability applicable to school employees and districts. 2. Identify legal standards of intentional tort liability applicable to school employees and districts. 3. Identify legal standards that are applicable to site administrators in negotiating contracts for goods and services. 8.A - ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to funding of State schools 1. Using an FTE report, identify, interpret, and apply each formula factor used in computing your State’s Education Finance Program allocation. 2. Using a school budget, identify funding categories available to a school beyond your State’s Education Finance Program allocation. 3. Using a school budget, identify or apply the processes of planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating a budget. 8.B – ILS - Knowledge of managing the learning environment standard as related to financial accounting and auditing 1. Using an FTE audit report (e.g., State, district, or school), identify categories that are out of compliance with State Statutes (e.g., attendance records, teacher certification, vocational timecards, ESE and ESOL student records). 2. Using a school external funds audit report, identify violations of the State Board of Education policies and procedures for the administration and accounting of external funds (e.g., fund-raisers, purchases, monthly financial reports, bonding of the treasurer).