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Goventure Ceo. A

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Running head: GOVENTURE CEO 1 Go Venture CEO Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: GOVENTURE CEO 2 Performance Assessment: Function Areas The key performance areas that are Evident in My Company as Go Venture CEO are Sales, Marketing and Advertising. The very first key function area is the production and distribution area. How my products are distributed and produced matters. I ensured that at the production area, my products were weighed, appropriately packed and met the safety and quality standards set by the industry and Market. Secondly, I moved to the Supply Chain Management area where the products have to move from the point of production to reach the sellers.What I did at this stage is to ensure that I supplied to retailers so that customers could get my company product at a retail price which is not only a fair price but also customer friendly. The other vital function area of my company is the finance and accounting section, without keeping my finances in check then the company can fall into jeopardy. In the financing area, I have ensured that I have a laid-out method of accounting that lays out the prices and cost of materials to be purchased, the tot ...
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