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Academy of Art University
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ADM – 002- 20- 0061 COURSE CODE: EL 120 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTIVE TITLE: Technology in Language Education TOPIC 1: ICT as an Aid on Language Teaching TOPIC 2: K to 12 Curriculum Framework TOPIC 3: Technology for Teaching Reading and Writing TOPIC 4: Technology for Teaching Listening and Speaking TOPIC 5: Technology for Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary TOPIC 6: Technology and Language Assessment TOPIC 7: Designing Lesson Plan PREREQUISITE(S): CREDIT UNITS: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course directs the pre-service English teachers to focus on the design, production, utilization, and evaluation of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) materials for language instruction. It affords them to show their skills in the selection and development of an ICT-integrated and Project-based Learning Plan and the positive use of a variety of ICTbased resources in facilitating language learning and teaching. This is a three-unit course, which aids the preservice English teachers to be an effective 21 st century English teachers. It will equip them knowledge and skills on utilization of different media applications and websites that are helpful in learning English as a second language. COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of the course, students should be able to: 1. show skills in the positive use of ICT in designing and producing language learning resources; 2. show skills in the development of project/problem-based/inquiry-based collaborative plans and a ...
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