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Maricopa Community Colleges Mesa Community College
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n at least 250 words (total):
(1) Using the Foley et al. (2007) article, identify the following from the Amazon Basin:
(a) Identify TWO direct use values: ONE consumptive, and ONE non-consumptive. Explain why
you believe that these are consumptive and nonconsumptive direct use values.
(b) Identify ONE indirect use value and explain why you believe this is an indirect use value.
(2) Now, think about one of the problems that Foley and colleagues focus on in their article: Amazon
Basin deforestation. With this problem in mind, do the following:
(a) Identify ONE cost and ONE benefit related to Amazon Basin deforestation.
(b) Explain whether you think the cost you identified outweighs the benefit you identified. Refer to
one of the values you identified in Part (1) in your explanation.
Forest degradation poses a massive threat because it directly correlates to the loss of
ecosystem goods and services. One of the consumptive values of the Amazon Basin is timber. We
selectively log the areas to use in building our houses, furniture, and other wooden products. It also
has a non-consumptive value. The bees that are present there play a significant role in increasing
pollination. Increased pollination will increase the production of fruits and crops that we consume.
One of the costs of degradation is that it will reduce the ecosystem goods and services we
get from it. As our population increases, our needs for resources increase too. The problem is that
as we get all of our needs in an unsustainable way, we are coming closer to the environment's
maximum capacity and reducing our chance of survival. On the other hand, it also has benefits
because there will be more land available for industrialization. It will help us to continue the
advancement of society. Forest degradation is a very alarming problem, and the advantage it gives
does not outweigh the costs. The continuous degradation of the forest will lead to more problems
than people usually think. Logging decreases the diversity in an ecosystem, and a less diverse
ecosystem is more vulnerable to destruction. It will reduce the number of goods that we can
consume, and it will accelerate the extinction of other organisms in the ecosystem. One of the

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n at least 250 words (total): (1) Using the Foley et al. (2007) article, identify the following from the Amazon Basin: (a) Identify TWO direct use values: ONE consumptive, and ONE non-consumptive. Explain why you believe that these are consumptive and nonconsumptive direct use values. (b) Identify ONE indirect use value and explain why you believe this is an indirect use value. (2) Now, think about one of the problems that Foley and colleagues focus on in their article: Amazon Basin deforestation. With this problem in mind, do the following: (a) Identify ONE cost and ONE benefit related to Ama ...
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