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Yao ss05 comparative analysis

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Malayan Colleges Laguna
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A Comparative Analysis of the Sub-fields of Behavioral Economics: Expected Utility Theory and Prospect Theory Herschel-Leil G. Yao Malayan Colleges Laguna ABSTRACT: This paper will argue about the differences and similarities of the two economic theories: the utility theory and the prospect theory. To begin with, the definition of behavioral economics will be discussed to explain where the theories came from, under which category of economics they are included and why it is being approached. In this part, its connection with the theories will be tackled. Then, we will proceed to a more specific discussion of the two theories which will be the main focus of this paper. The first one is the expected utility theory. The definition and history of the theory together with the concept of decision -making will be discussed. That will be followed by the application of its aspects, then its explanation. The same pattern will be used to the second theory which is the prospect theory. The definition and history of the theory will be discussed including its two aspects, then it will be followed by the application of the theory and its explanation. The last part of this analysis would be the conclusion. Some of the definition of the theories will be mentioned and a more direct comparison will be provided. And then, Similarities and dissimilarities will be further discussed together with the summary of the theories. 1.0 Introduction Behavioral economics is the study of psychology correla ...
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