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Business Model Innovation.edited

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Running head: BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION Business Model Innovation Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date 1 BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION Mini-Case Response – Mini-Case #9 Introduction This mini-case response is concerned with Mini-Case #9: “Business Model Innovation: How Dollar Shave Club Disrupted Gillette.” Within the mini-case, the material presented briefly illustrates the efforts that Dollar Shave Club took over the years to invade Gillette’s dominance in the market. The mini-case explains that innovations do not have to be radical or high-tech for a business to be successful, instead, a well-planned business model leads to the success of a business. Key problems/issues identifiable within the mini-case include: • Is Gillette’s pattern of innovation worthwhile considering that the company’s market share has declined significantly due to increased competition? • Is it possible to establish which company is likely to sustain its competitive advantage in the market based on its business model innovation- or is it too early to tell? Thesis statement: Based on the analysis of the material in the mini-case, it is likely that Gillette requires multiple alternatives for its business model to enhance its competitiveness against its rivals, Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s. Background: To have a deep understanding about the mini-case, it is useful to provide a brief analysis of the factors that have contributed to high competition in America’s wet sha ...
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