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graded discussion forum week 7 social justice and it s critics

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主题: Graded Discussion Forum, Week 7: Social Justice, and it... ! 此讨论为计分作业:满分 0.56 分* 截⽌止时间 6⽉月8⽇日 Graded Discussion Forum, Week 7: Social Justice, and it's critics David Hoekenga When I was in High School we all read a book called Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol. We read it alongside an SJ Mercury article about Palo Alto vs. East Palo Alto schools; at that time (this was 1997), approx $2 was spent for every public-school student in Palo Alto for every $1 spent . Kozol's books details similar inequalities--in class sizes, in teacher qualifications, in sports and fine-arts and science programs, in basic amenities--across the country. These are public schools, which, by definition, should be at least somewhat similar to one another; imagine a public road in County X that has no lane markers or lights and is full of potholes, and in County Y right next door the road is pristine. If the government pays for all the roads, wouldn't that seem a Off? Wrong? Unfair? What word do we apply? The concept we will be discussing this week is 'Social Justice.' Kozol's book usually makes a top 5 list of books about 'Social Justice,' and was a powerful read for me at the time, especially since I am a 4th generation public school teacher. Here's the key: Palo Alto and East Palo Schools (in 1996 entirely, and to a lesser extent, but perhaps still an alarming extent, ...
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