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Topic: Discussion 7 ! This is a graded discussion: 4 points due - possible 20 Discussion 7 21 Sam Mickey We know what climate change is. The question for ethics is about how we should act. What should we do? What do think about climate ethics? Search entries or author Unread # $ % Subscribe " Reply (https://usfca.instructure.c TTAAYYLLOORR PPOOKKOORRN NEEYY /courses ! ((H HTTTTPPSS::////UUSSFFCCAA..IIN NSSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE..CCOOM M //CCOOUURRSSEESS//11559933444477//UUSSEERRSS//66118899115588)) Wednesday The most interesting fact from the video 'What happens inside you when you read a story' is that a story can increase empathy, reduce prejudice and loneliness, and be very persuasive. Dr Zoe Walkington, a psychologist, shared research that stated the difference between two different fictional books, Harry Potter and Twilight. Those who read a couple of chapters in the books start to believe that they can move things with the power of their minds or believe their teeth may be slightly longer than others. Because of the psychological term, assimilation, the readers start to take on the qualities of those in the fictional group. What if we used psychology and storytelling to change peoples behaviors towards climate change? What if there was more literature which narrated the story of climate change in a different way than some media outlets already portray it? I have noticed that recently a lot of m ...
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