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Iris murdoch

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主题: Graded Discussion Forum: Iris Murdoch ! 此讨论为计分作业:满分 0.56 分* Graded Discussion Forum: Iris Murdoch 截⽌止时间 6⽉月29⽇日 9 9 David Hoekenga See attached presentation. Iris Murdoch, a mid-20th Century Philosopher, dedicated much of her Philosophical career (as a writer, she was primarily successful as a novelist, writing 26 novels. The Sea The Sea is a favorite of mine) defending and building upon Plato's concept of the Good and attacking/problematizing Jean-Paul Sartre's philosophy. In the attached Powerpoint reading, I note that Murdoch sees existentialism as a whole philosophy grounded on a unified, and ultimately stunted, observation: that we have choice. It There are two problems with Sartre's existentialism: (1) It makes no room for the goodness and importance of the inner life. Does a hermit, or someone who lives mostly in their head, have any value? Murdoch thought that obviously numerous people had come and gone, living on their own, harming no-one, and finding happiness alone. For Sartre, the publicly observable act was the only thing that had any value. A non-religious Philosopher has no room for the soul or anything like it, but Murdoch thought that, though not religious herself, something like a soul/mind, what she called the 'inner life' has inherent value. (2) Existentialism imagines the human being as having an "arbitrary and unconstrained will. ...
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