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W6 lecture creating graphs using microsoft excel

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Creating Graphs using Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel can be used to create bar graphs, line graphs, and scatterplots using selected parts of the output. You will also learn to create histograms, which will be useful in interpreting the data for OLS and BMS students. CREATING HISTOGRAMS using MICROSOFT EXCEL With data measured on a continuous scale, you want the bars touching, which pictorially represents the continuous nature of the data. For this, you need a histogram. 1. For the Histogram, it is first necessary to set up BIN numbers. These number define the values included in each bar. In the example below, the bin number 50 tells Microsoft Excel to include all values between 50 and 60; 60 tells Microsoft Excel to include all values between 60 and 70, and so forth. 2. The next step is to create the histogram itself. Click Data, click Data Analysis, and select Histogram. 3. Click OK a. Enter the Input Range of values to be plotted on the Histogram b. Enter the range that contains your BIN c. Check Labels d. Enter a cell number to place your output e. Check Chart Output 4. Click OK a. You are given a Frequency Distribution, which tells you how many of each different score is included in your distribution. b. You are also given the chart itself. 5. Change the title on your chart to include the name of the variable that was graphed: Histogram of BMS Frequency 6 4 2 Frequency 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 More BIN 6. Repeat these steps for each variable you need to gr ...
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