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W7 reasons to participate in a study

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Reasons to Participate in a Study Reasons to Participate in a Study Selection and Assignment Methods Reasons to Participate in a Study People choose to participate in research studies for different reasons. Help and Hope: Participants often seek studies because they want help. They may believe that if they participate in a study on the behavioral modification of panic disorder, they may find some relief from any disorder they may actually be suffering from. Answers and Curiosity: Some people are not necessarily looking for a cure, but they may want to understand the nature of their disorder. For example, out of curiosity, a participant got involved in a study to find out how strong magnetic pulses can be used to stimulate motor areas in the brain to make body parts move. The participant experienced an odd sensation from the magnetic pulse and noticed the jerking of one arm. Money or Similar Incentive: Many people search research postings looking for any study they may qualify for. Some of the studies at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), for example, pay over $150 for a few hours. Participants may need to be injected with radioactive glucose so the researchers c ...
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