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W8 within and between designs

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South University
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WITHIN- AND BETWEEN-DESIGNS You have been hired as a consultant by the military to determine if soldiers are able to assemble a new rifle under adverse weather conditions. The military personnel were required to assemble the rifles in two different temperature conditions, cold and normal. It was hypothesized that the coldtemperature assembly times will be slower than the normal-temperature assembly times. You need to test the hypothesis that cold temperature leads to an increase in assembly times. For this, you will measure the time it takes a groups of soldiers to put together rifles in a cold room, 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and compare that time to the time it takes them to assemble the rifles in a temperate room, 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Both groups must assemble the rifle without gloves after they have been in the respective temperature conditions for 45 minutes. Test Condition Order of Exposure 1st Test 2nd Test Four assemble in cold condition Then they go to warm condition Four assemble in warm condition Then they go to cold condition You have changed the hypothetical situation to a within group study. You will also use a block design to control for order effects. In such a scenario, a block design is recommended because it is possible that experiencing one condition before the other may cause a change in behavior during the second condition. For example, the performance in the second condition could be increased due to practice effects. To control for order effects in this ...
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