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Week 1

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South University
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Using Journals
Since this is the laboratory course for the Research Design class, the focus will be on engaging in
research-related tasks. You will become increasingly involved in research. So, let's start with
using a laboratory journal.
Research journals are the iPhones of the research world. They are essential for documenting the
research process and will be used throughout the course. The habit of documenting details in the
journal will immensely help you with real-world activities. The journal needn't be fancy and
attractive; it should be very simple, like a composition notebook.
It is a good idea to keep your journal with you when you are in the process of brainstorming
research studies. You never know when a good idea will pop into your head. You might even
decide to record various thoughts about the behavior in which you are interested and then
perform a frequency count to see which behavior appears most often. Engaging in an act like this
helps improve the organization of your ideas.
Keeping A Medical Journal
Journals can be kept for different reasons. Look at a scenario that shows the importance of
keeping journals.
Example: Anne kept medical journals to document notes about her father ever since he had a
stroke. Anne wrote down details like the names of doctors, nurses, lists of medicine, changes in
medicine, and statements about what her father thought was going on. The most interesting notes
she kept were on the behavioral changes she observed in her father. Anne documented every
detail about her father when he was learning to walk again. She even documented mental
changes and behavioral patterns. Keeping the journal helped Anne cope with her life. It helped
her become more knowledgeable.
When you decide on a research topic and start your study, keep your research journal with you to
record study information. You might want to jot down events occurring in the study or ideas you
need to ponder. For example, you would make a note when a participant in your research shows
signs of confusion while listening to instructions. If you do not record such details, you might
forget important information about your participants.
Journals are also useful for research data. But never record any information that could be used to
identify a participant. If you need to record any personal data about participants, use participant
identification numbers to identify them.
Content privacy within the journal is a big concern. Clinical and research psychologists who
work with human participants are required to take extra safety measures to guard sensitive and
personal data. They are often required to keep files in a locked cabinet. They need to be very
careful while transporting these files from one place to another. The rules governing the
profession have codes of ethics to deal with this issue.
Formalizing Aims and Hypotheses

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Using Journals Since this is the laboratory course for the Research Design class, the focus will be on engaging in research-related tasks. You will become increasingly involved in research. So, let's start with using a laboratory journal. Research journals are the iPhones of the research world. They are essential for documenting the research process and will be used throughout the course. The habit of documenting details in the journal will immensely help you with real-world activities. The journal needn't be fancy and attractive; it should be very simple, like a composition notebook. It is a ...
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