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Ortizstacey ps340 unit 7 assignment docx

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Running head: FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT Conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment Stacey Ortiz PS340 Exceptional Needs Children Perdue Global University Professor Mark Ammer July 22, 2018 1 FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESMENT 2 Conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment Introduction Jessie is a new student in the 1st grade, and she has been distracting R. Dailey’s classroom through her violent behavior. A functional behavioral assessment can help the teacher to determine the cause of Jessie’s behavior and propose a treatment plan for her condition. Psychologists use a behavioral assessment to observe, describe and predict behavior. At other times, it provides a means of correcting the identified behavior if necessary. A functional behavioral assessment is an approach used in psychology to figure out why a child behaves in a specific way (Crone, Hawken & Horner, 2015). The techniques used in the assessment identify both academic and non-academic factors influencing a child’s behavior. A functional behavioral assessment is a six-step approach that involves the formation of a team, recognizing the interfering behavior, collecting baseline data, statement of hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and developing possible interventions to the detected behavior (Whitcomb, 2013). Behavioral assessments are helpful in the identification of the inappropriate behavior and the triggering factors. In some cases, the student may be aware of their behavior while other times they a ...
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