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Art of relationship building phd

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Fundraising: The Art of Relationship Building
Fundraising: The Art of Relationship Building
Fundraising is a crucial way for the majority of nonprofit organizations to bring in revenue to
fulfill the mission of the organization. Most schools have issues with achieving sustainability without gift
income. Kotler and Keller (2012) explain that all schools have a pressure between tuition, the cost of
being an institution of excellence, and educators' salaries. If there is no margin, there is no mission.
Charity cannot be enough to sustain a mission; institutions ought to be financially solid. Tempel et al.
(2011) refer to the shared creation of the connection between the institution's mission and the donor's
benevolent vision.
Tempel et al. (2011) explain that good relationships with donors require keen attention to them
and fundraising fundamentals based on ethical practice; they do not just happen. The institution's mission
is what gives them the privilege to seek philanthropic support. The mission is specifically crucial in a
period in which nonprofit institutions are advised to develop new sources of income, carry out market-
based activities, and approach project philanthropists with confidence (Rodin, 2010).
Fundraising is all about relationships that are built on mutual concerns and interests. One of the
axioms of fundraising is that people give to those with causes. There are so many reasons why Tempel et
al. (2011) stated that at the core of fundraising is the heart of creating relationships. During fundraising,
asking for and receiving the gift is not usually the end of the process. It is always the start of a deepening
relationship between the institution and the donor (Tempel et al., 2011). Proper gratitude for and
recognition of the gift ought to be expressed by the institution. Additionally, the institution must reveal
how the gift is utilized and portray a high level of responsibility in the proper use of the gift, leading to
the creation of relationships.

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FUNDRAISING: THE ART OF RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 1 Fundraising: The Art of Relationship Building Fundraising: The Art of Relationship Building Fundraising is a crucial way for the majority of nonprofit organizations to bring in revenue to fulfill the mission of the organization. Most schools have issues with achieving sustainability without gift income. Kotler and Keller (2012) explain that all schools have a pressure between tuition, the cost of being an institution of excellence, and educators' salaries. If there is no margin, there is no mission. Charity cannot be enough to sustain a mission; institutions ought to be financially solid. Tempel et al. (2011) refer to the shared creation of the connection between the institution's mission and the donor's benevolent vision. Tempel et al. (2011) explain that good relationships with donors require keen attention to them and fundraising funda ...
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