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Image processing software

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Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
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Remote Sensing-Digital Image Processing Software
Image processing software
1. Introduction
For effective data processing, various types of remote sensing software systems need to be
applied reasonably and flexibly. This enables effective feature extraction useful for various
applications. ERDAS, ENVI, ArcGIS are some of the professional and popular image
processing software. They possess powerful image processing functions. These software are
capable of manipulating the images in many ways. They are designed to provide
comprehensive analysis of satellite and aircraft remote sensing data. They are not only
innovative but very much user-friendly to display and analyze images. For example, ENVI
allows user to work with multiple bands, to extract spectra, use spectral libraries, to process
high spectral resolution datasets such as AVIRIS, hyperspectral analysis, specialized
capabilities for analysis of advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar datasets like TOPSAR,
AIRSAR etc. Similarly, the ArcGIS desktop applications provide a very high level of
functionality like comprehensive mapping and analysis tools, geo processing tools, advanced
editing capabilities that allow data to be integrated from a wide variety of formats including
shape files, coverage tables, computed aided drafting drawings, triangulated irregular
networks etc. ERDAS Imagine uses a comprehensive set of tools such as image
orthorectifications, mosaicking, classification, reprojection, image enhancement techniques
that enable an end user to analyze remotely sensed satellite imagery and present the same in
various formats ranging from 2 dimensional maps to 3 dimensional models. These software
find applications in varied fields of engineering and sciences. Archaeologists use image
classification to identify features that cannot otherwise be observed visually by standing on
the ground. Biologists use them for delineating wetlands, to identify vegetation species and
land cover. Accurate estimates of slope, aspect and spot elevation can be ascertained.
Hydrologists process satellite imageries for water quality management studies, land use
classification, delineating watersheds etc. In geology, the image processing software can
enable identification of fracture zones, deposition of ore minerals, oil and gas, identification
of anomalies in the earths magnetic field, electrical fields or radiation patterns, to identify
geologic faults and folds, to study movement of crustal plates, disaster management study of

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Remote Sensing-Digital Image Processing Software
Image processing software
floods and landslides etc. This module will introduce the popular software explaining in
detail one of their functionality.
ERDAS Imagine is raster based software that is specifically designed for information
extraction from images. The product suite of ERDAS is designed to consist of three products
for geographic imaging, remote sensing and GIS applications. The functions embedded
involve importing, viewing, altering and analyzing both raster and vector data sets. This
software is capable of handling an unlimited number of bands of image data in a single file.
These bands imported into ERDAS IMAGINE are often treated as layers. Additional layers
can be created and added to existing image file. It allows users to import a wide variety of
remotely sensed imagery from satellite and aerial platforms. Depending on user requirements,
this software is available in three levels namely: Essentials; Advantage and Professional. This
software also has many add-on modules. The functionality includes a range of classification,
feature extraction, change detection, georeferencing etc. The range of add on modules
includes Virtual GIS, IMAGINE, Vector, Radar Mapping Suite etc. One functionality of this
software is discussed in detail. More information regarding the product suite can be obtained
2.1 Supervised classification
ERDAS IMAGINE allows an unlimited number of layers/ bands of data to be used for one
classification. Usual practice is to reduce dimensionality of the data as much as possible as
unnecessary data tend to consume disk space thereby slowing down the processing.
To perform supervised classification using ERDAS IMAGINE, open the image in a viewer.
Select training signatures using the AOI tool [ AOI>Tools]
ERDAS IMAGINE enables users to identify training samples using one or more of
the following methods:

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Remote Sensing-Digital Image Processing Software Image processing software 2-1 - IMAGE PROCESSING SOFTWARE 1. Introduction For effective data processing, various types of remote sensing software systems need to be applied reasonably and flexibly. This enables effective feature extraction useful for various applications. ERDAS, ENVI, ArcGIS are some of the professional and popular image processing software. They possess powerful image processing functions. These software are capable of manipulating the images in many ways. They are designed to provide comprehensive analysis of satellite and aircraft remote sensing data. They are not only innovative but very much user-friendly to display and analyze images. For example, ENVI allows user to work with multiple bands, to extract spectra, use spectral libraries, to process high spectral resolution datasets such as AVIRIS, hyperspectral analysis, specialized capabilities for analysis of advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar datasets like TOPSAR, AIRSAR etc. Similarly, the ArcGIS desktop applications provide a very high level of functionality like comprehensive mapping and analysis tools, geo processing tools, advanced editing capabilities that allow data to be integrated from a wide variety of formats including shape files, coverage tables, computed aided drafting drawings, triangulated irregular networks etc. ERDAS Imagine uses a comprehensive set of tools such as image orthorectifications, mosaicking, classification, reprojection, i ...
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