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UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓN PREPARATORIA 7 UNIDAD ll SEMESTRE FEBRERO-JUNIO 2021 MI CONEXIÓN AL MUNDO EN OTRA LENGUA II MAESTR@: ISRAEL ALVARADO TRUJILLO GRUPO. 407 INTEGRANTES DAVID EMILIANO MERAZ GARCIA MELANY LIZETH MORALES SALAS DIEGO ALBERTO MORENO VÁZQUEZ CESAR ISAAC PEÑA MENDOZA MONICA SARAHI RANGEL PEREZ Value: honesty Sketch “The importance of being honest” Main Problem: A group of friends has problems with one of them because he is keeping a secret Characters: Student´s Name Roles Emiliano Meraz- Liam Mónica Rangel- Sabrina Melany Morales- Taylor Cesar Peña- Conan Scene1: Liam, Sabrina and Conan are in the cafeteria arguing about how weird has been Taylor the last month, then she arrived and sit with them Sabrina :( she stops talking quickly) hey Taylor, how are you doing? Taylor :( confused) I´m ne, what were you talking about? Why did you stop when I´d arrive? Liam :( nervous) About nothing, we were just talking about how neither of the teams like basketball team nor the football team is doing well this season Conan: Yeah we weren´t talking of how weird you have been the last month Sabrina: Conan! Taylor: you were talking about me? Why you were ...
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