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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Preparatoria 7 Nuestro Logo Vocations 31 32 33 34 35 David Emiliano Meraz García Melany Lizeth Morales Salas Diego Alberto Moreno Vázquez César Isaac Peña Mendoza Mónica Sarahi Rangel Pérez 2006858 2023668 2023794 1996239 2021834 BusinessAdministration Business Administration is a career in the area of Economic Sciences in which you acquire the skills to coordinate the total operation of an organization. And I choose this career because I see myself in the future having my own company, and just in case that could not be done, this career has a wide field of work. In the event I manage to have my own company, I’m going to have the enough resources to provide my family, that’s what a father do isn’t it’? The Veterinary career consists in training professionals to cure and carry out preventions of diseases on animals. It allows to incorporate scientific knowledge related to animal healthing and the care necessary to improve their life. Studying Veterinary medicine involves committing to the animal world and working to seek its maximum well-being and health. In addition to the vocational factor and love for animals. physical- mathematical science The physical-mathematical science career consists of the application of mathematics to problems in the field of physics and the development of appropriate mathematical methods for these uses and for the development of physical knowledge. I chose this career due to the fact ...
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