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The biggest problems with the environment

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Liceo de Limn Mario Bourne Bourne
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The biggest problems with the environment. These five megatrends pose huge worldwide dangers to planet Earth, concerns that must be addressed if the earth is to continue to be a safe haven for people and other animals. DW investigates the causes of the problem as well as potential solutions. • Pollution of the air and climate change. Carbon overload in the atmosphere and ocean waters is a problem. Warmer air, soils, and ocean surface waters result from atmospheric CO2 absorption and reemission of infrared-wavelength radiation, which is beneficial: Without it, the globe would be frozen solid. Unfortunately, there is currently an excessive amount of carbon in the atmosphere. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have risen from 280 parts per million (ppm) 200 years ago to around 400 ppm now, thanks to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation for agriculture, and industrial activities ...
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