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Environmental Science
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Running head: ENVIRONMENT 1 Environment Name Institution ENVIRONMENT Step one: Step 2- waste water disposal Step 3 2 ENVIRONMENT 3 Step 4 Step 5: findings Aaprently, the most populated area within maryland like Blatimore, with a high number of people who are above the pvoverty line (95-100%), the traffic related pollution is hig. This means that the majority of the people in this areas own vehicles, mostly personal cars. The place is also highly populated meaning that the amount emission released in this region is comparatively higher than other regions. Mapping Environmental Justice in your environment Personal experiences of injustice Personally, I have not yet faced an injustice experience but I have seen it happen to my close friends. It is paining to find that skin color can define where a person can live. I remember sometimes back a friend of mine wanted to buy a house. Just because he was black, he was not allowed to purchase a house in a place where whites were living. I learned that the people within ENVIRONMENT 4 region had discouraged investors from lending or selling houses to black people. it is like the black were perceived dangerous creatures to live with. Racism is a high degree of injustice. Environmental justice in my environment Carol park (Baltimore) - a place for kids to play and to spend weekends Environmental Justice Design Considerations/Attributes Accessibility (1 points) Describe the physical characteristics of your environment in ...
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