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Risk of using wireless networks for communication in the military

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The Risk of Using Wireless Networks for Communication in the Military
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The risk of using wireless networks for communication in the military
Military forces are an important aspect of a country's security system. Our soldiers are
injured and many are lost during conflicts and search operations. Soldiers are our country's saviors,
protecting us from foreign attacks, terrorist activities, and a variety of other dubious actions that
could endanger citizens and the country as a whole. As a result, we place a high value on soldier
health. We have launched a project that allows us to follow the position and health of soldiers who
become lost or injured on the battlefield in real time. This technology will enable the army control
unit (Domingo and M.) save time and effort in search and rescue operations (2011). Army base
stations use GPS modules and wireless body area sensor networks (WBASNs), such as control
panels and heartbeat sensors, to track and monitor soldiers' locations and health. The data from the
sensors and Gps device is sent wirelessly through the microcontroller using the ZigBee module.
In unfavorable conditions, a soldier can also seek assistance from the army control center and
speak with other soldiers inside the wireless broadcast and reception range utilizing Panic Switch.
When building military ad hoc network communication operation scenarios, wireless networking
elements such as mobility, network size, and standard of care are significant concerns. Until now,
the confluence of scenarios and concepts has resulted in a wireless technology that may or may
not be appropriate. This was due to the case being fully specified before the necessary ideas were
addressed. This paper suggests an iterative method for evaluating scenarios and concepts in order
to develop a wireless network design that better meets the military's needs.
WUSNS stands for Wireless Underground Sensor Networks, and it is a technology that is
used underground. The environment is acoustic, necessitating the usage of important components
such as sensors and vehicles (Domingo and M. (2011). The WUSNS has a network nodes charge

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1 The Risk of Using Wireless Networks for Communication in the Military Student Name Professor Name Course Date 2 The risk of using wireless networks for communication in the military Introduction Military forces are an important aspect of a country's security system. Our soldiers are injured and many are lost during conflicts and search operations. Soldiers are our country's saviors, protecting us from foreign attacks, terrorist activities, and a variety of other dubious actions that could endanger citizens and the country as a whole. As a result, we place a high value on soldier health. We have launched a project that allows us to follow the position and health of soldiers who become lost or injured on the battlefield in real time. This technology will enable the army control unit (Domingo and M.) save time and effort in search and rescue operations (2011). Army base stations use GPS modules and wireless body area sensor networks (WBASNs), such as control panels and heartbeat sensors, to track and monitor soldiers' locations and health. The data from the sensors and Gps device is sent wirelessly through the microcontroller using the ZigBee module. In unfavorable conditions, a soldier can also seek assistance from the army control center and speak with other soldiers inside the wireless broadcast and reception range utilizing Panic Switch. When building military ad hoc network communication operation scenarios, wireless networking elements such as mobility, network siz ...
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