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Assessmenttask1supportpresentation 2

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ASSESSMENT TASK ONE SUPPORT PRESENTATION - this presentation will guide you through your first assessment task. ASSESSMENT TASK 1. HEALTH PROMOTION WEIGHTING: 50% WORD LIMIT: 2500 DUE DATES: due dates for each semester are listed on the Study Desk  Make sure you have your task sheet including the criteria, with you as you progress through the presentation.  Irrespective of your degree program, read the relevant information from the syllabus and curriculum documents to help your understanding of health issues and social justice principles. Qld Health Education Syllabus – Years 11 and 12 Read the information about the ‘Social View of Health’ to add to your understanding of this important underpinning information and read the rationale. The other curriculum and learning frameworks are to guide you and give you ideas about health issues and the focus for your assignment. Australian Curriculum Health and Physical Education Read the Rationale, the Aims and the Key Ideas. These documents are in the course readings and resources sections on the study desk. You might have defining and governing documents from your work environment that you would like us to add to this space. Let us know. Assessment Task 1 – Health Promotion This task is divided into two (2) health concerns for two popula ...
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