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Social science: Sociology
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The public realm and social identity are two themes explored in this study. People behave
like a government entity and have the opportunity to voice their ideas in compliance with current
free speech and independence on topics of public concern, creating a public sphere. The public
sphere is important in providing an unbiased critique of the government's mandate (Habermas et
al. 49). Social identity, on the other hand, relates to a person's perceived place in relation to the
community's social levels and status. Based on the first categorization, community members form
a perception of a person's identity. However, based on successive encounters, the individuality
may be reduced to a more contaminated identity, which may culminate in stigma (Stigma and
Identity 3). The ideas are useful in pushing for adult education in the United States.
In the public domain, the state has a responsibility to promote all people's education and
social welfare. People in the United States have the right to receive an education and to participate
in political operations such as voting and establishing a suitable political agenda. However, due to
financial constraints, it may be hard for all people to obtain an education while they are still young.
By sponsoring and advocating the value of adult learning, the state has a role to play in fostering
favorable public perceptions of their work and obligations. Furthermore, sustaining comprehensive
and fair education systems should make people's participation in the public realm through voting
and participation in political discourse a goal. Furthermore, by maintaining that the majority of
voters are intelligent, the administration are able to control unfavorable public criticism that may
be fueled by ignorance and greater crime, both of which are exacerbated by mass unemployment
(Habermas et al. 54). As a result, the state is obliged to provide enough funds for adult education
and to promote it.

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1 Social science: Sociology Student Name Professor Name Institution Affiliation Course Date 2 Introduction The public realm and social identity are two themes explored in this study. People behave like a government entity and have the opportunity to voice their ideas in compliance with current free speech and independence on topics of public concern, creating a public sphere. The public sphere is important in providing an unbiased critique of the government's mandate (Habermas et al. 49). Social identity, on the other hand, relates to a person's perceived place in relation to the community's social levels and status. Based on the first categorization, community members form a perception of a person's identity. However, based on successive encounters, the individuality may be reduced to a more contaminated identity, which may culminate in stigma (Stigma and Identity 3). The ideas are useful in pushing for adult education in the United States. In the public domain, the state has a responsibility to promote all people's education and social welfare. People in the United States have the right to receive an education and to participate in political operations such as voting and establishing a suitable political agenda. However, due to financial constraints, it may be hard for all people to obtain an education while they are still young. By sponsoring and advocating the value of adult learning, the state has a role to play in fostering favorable public perceptions of their wor ...
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