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Q2. You are working at the ministry of education in BC and are advocating for the funding of
Continuous Adult Education. What would you have to take into account in arguing for an expansion of
adult and citizen education? How would you argue for the need for adult education and how would you
make sure this education is beyond mere class reproduction?
WHAT TO IMPROVE: Definition and application of public sphere are strong, however,
definitions and of social identity need more explanation, and application of the concept can use
more points supporting your arguments. Your essay would also be strengthened by considering
more deeply how these two concepts overlap/compliment, critique one another.
The concepts considered in the current paper include the public sphere and social
identity. A public sphere comes into existence when people behave like a public body and have
the capability to express their opinions in line with the established freedom of expression and
independence on matters of public interest. The public sphere is relevant in having an objective
critique of the mandate of the government (Habermas et al. 49). On the other hand, social
identity refers to the perceived position of a person in regard to social ranks and status
established in the community. Community members establish a perceived identity of a person
based on the initial characterization. However, the identity may be reduced to a more tainted
identity based on the progressive interactions, which may result in stigma (Stigma and Identity
3). The concepts are relevant in advocating for adult education in the country.
In regards to the public sphere, the state has a duty to promote the education and the
social welfare of all people. In the United States, people have a right to education and participate
in political processes such as voting and adopting the appropriate political agenda. However, it
might be impossible for all people to acquire education due to financial constraints while they
are young. The state has a responsibility to promote positive opinions in the public sphere about
their work and responsibilities by funding and promoting the value of adult learning. Besides,
the participation of the people in the public sphere through voting and involvement in political
discussions should be made objective by maintaining comprehensive and equitable education

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systems. Besides, by ensuring that the majority of the voters are educated, the authorities tame
negative criticism in the public sphere that may be promoted by ignorance and increased
criminalization perpetuated by increased poverty (Habermas et al. 54). As a result, the
government is mandated to ensure adequate funding and promotion of adult education.
In regards to social identity, people should be enabled to express themselves properly
based on their social identity in the community. For instance, a wealthy business person should
be knowledgeable on the proper use of wealth and establishing dignity through proper
communication. They should also understand the state law requirements on operations of
business and payment of taxes. Whereas the social identity of a wealthy person is highly
regarded in the community, it will deteriorate in the event it is known that they cannot express
themselves in proper English and do not exhibit the deserved respect (Stigma and Identity 19).
As a result, the state is mandated to ensure that despite the lack of formal education, the affected
adults learn the basics such as proper language, etiquette, and simple arithmetic through adult
education. Besides, the government should ascertain that the social identity of its citizens on
international platforms is not affected by ignorance and lack of basic education. Other than
manifesting the people's lack of understanding, it destroys the image of the affected nations.
Therefore, the government should be committed to promoting adult education through adult
The advocation for adult education through the public sphere and social identity aligns
since they are oriented towards promoting the wellbeing of the people. Habermas et al. advocate
for the state to meet its mandate in education and consequently promote positive critique in the
public sphere. Crucially, people that have adequate capability to level properly justified opinions
in the public sphere have the synergy to defend and express their proper social identity.

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Q2. You are working at the ministry of education in BC and are advocating for the funding of Continuous Adult Education. What would you have to take into account in arguing for an expansion of adult and citizen education? How would you argue for the need for adult education and how would you make sure this education is beyond mere class reproduction? WHAT TO IMPROVE: Definition and application of public sphere are strong, however, definitions and of social identity need more explanation, and application of the concept can use more points supporting your arguments. Your essay would also be strengthened by considering more deeply how these two concepts overlap/compliment, critique one another. The concepts considered in the current paper include the public sphere and social identity. A public sphere comes into existence when people behave like a public body and have the capability to express their opinions in line with the established freedom of expression and independence on matters of public interest. The public sphere is relevant in having an objective critique of the mandate of the government (Habermas et al. 49). On the other hand, social identity refers to the perceived positi ...
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