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Assignment 6 2

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Preparing the Assignment
Think about what you want your future public health career to be. Share a brief overview of the
populations that you would like to work with and the setting that you would like to work in. Why
did you select this population and setting? Then identify at least two positions that will allow
you to work in an area that you are most passionate about using the job search resources below.
Share how your degree will allow you to fulfill the roles/responsibilities of the positions that you
Public Health Careers (Links to an external site.)
O*NET Online (Links to an external site.)
Public Health Career Guide (Links to an external site.)
USA Jobs (Links to an external site.)
Chamberlain University Career Search (Links to an external site.)
Flag question: Question 1
Think about what you want your future public health career to be. Share a brief overview of the
populations that you would like to work with and the setting that you would like to work in. Why
did you select this population and setting?
Flag question: Question 2
Identify at least two positions that interest you and share how your MPH degree will allow you
to fulfill the roles/responsibilities of the position.
1. Health Care Administrator
2. Health Educator
3. Social and Community Service Manager
how your MPH degree will allow you to fulfill the roles/responsibilities Health Care
Administrator and Health Educator

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Preparing the Assignment Think about what you want your future public health career to be. Share a brief overview of the populations that you would like to work with and the setting that you would like to work in. Why did you select this population and setting? Then identify at least two positions t ...
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